Norwood Green

Love, Laugh & Learn Together

Attendance, Punctuality & Sickness

At Norwood Green Infant and Nursery School, we believe it is very important for children to arrive at school on time and attend every day. We want our children to make the most of the learning opportunities provided and to achieve the highest standards possible in their education.


We are committed to working with parents and families to achieve high levels of punctuality in all year groups.

School for Reception and KS1 children begins at 08.40am, where children enter their classes in a soft start fashion and begin the days learning.

The gates are closed promptly at 8.50am. Late arrivals after this time will need to enter though the front office and this will be recorded as late.

Attendance is monitored by our Education Welfare Officer. Persistent lateness may be referred to the Local Authority.  If you have any concerns regarding attendance please make an appointment to discuss this with us.

Sickness & Absence

If your child is going to be absent, you MUST report it to the school by 9am.  This can be done either by ringing the school on 020 8574 1456 to speak to the office or leaving a voicemail.

Another alternative is you can email us with your child's name and class to  Please be mindful about preventing the spread of infection.  If your child has been vomiting or has had diarrhea, they must be clear of any sickness for 48 hours before they can return to school.  See the NHS guidance for more advice and information.  For other health conditions and infectious diseases, please click here for guidance on when to bring your child back to school.  

If a parent fails to notify the school, the child will be marked as an unauthorised absence on the school register.  For absences longer than 3 days, all parents are required to present medical evidence i.e. a medical appointment card or a prescription.  We are able to administer prescribed medication ONLY to your child with your permission.  Any over the counter medicine can only be administered at home.  

It is vitally important that the school holds the most up to date contact details for parents and family members so you are fully contactable should at all times and in the case of an emergency.

Unauthorised Absence

Please note that any term time holiday is NOT permitted and we will not authorised any time off during the school term for holidays abroad.

Please read our Attendance & Punctuality Policy for more details.