CHI Support and Learning
The CHI team have come up with some useful websites, which have a wealth of information and activities to help you to support your Deaf child at home with their learning. Some of the websites you may know, but please do take a look as they are being constantly updated with new resources. In addition, as you know, CHI have a separate page on Education City, “CHI Homework”, which we will be adding to on a weekly basis.
The NDCS is continually updating their website for Deaf families and Deaf children regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus) including links to access information and resources in BSL:
- How to get help and advice from NHS and if you are a British Sign Language (BSL) user, by using the new InterpreterNow service. The service is available 24/7 and has many options of how to access it. Their website provides information on how to do this in written English and BSL videos.
- SignHealth are producing videos explaining the latest information and health advice on coronavirus in British Sign Language (BSL). New videos are being uploaded as information becomes available.
- Information on audiology appointments, surgeries and school closures.
Free Family Signing Course 
Thee National Deaf Children’s Society has a new Family Sign Language course.
The wonderful tutors have filmed themselves in lockdown so that you and your families can learn British Sign Language (BSL) to use at home with all the family. They have created 12 free weekly lessons especially for families of deaf children. There are different lessons in each of the nations. Lesson 1 and 2 are already available.
These are in addition to the online events that that they are running during the lockdown to support families:
Join us in celebrating Deaf Awareness week. This year the focus is around recognising and celebrating those with acquired deafness. We would like you to celebrate Deafness at home, raise awareness of best practice and use the week for demonstrating change and positivity. Below is a tutorial video where you can learn some BSL signs:
Why don’t you practise some sign language at home?
- Teach your family members the alphabet, numbers and colours.
- What do you remember in your deaf awareness lessons?
- Maybe you can sign some songs, or spell everyone’s names!
- BSL Challenge! Click here to see how many BSL words you can spell in 2 minutes
CHI News
Whilst school has been closed our Hearing-Impaired children have been taking part in some ‘Zoom’ sessions with Mrs Jackson Young. Some of the children made a rainbow for their windows as part of their weekly homework. They look amazing!
Here are links to some great resources and activities. Watch some videos, play some games and take part in some fun activities to create awareness and develop your signing skills.
Learn about what it is to be DEAF AWARE: Deaf Awareness Presentation
Watch some stories being told using sign language. Can you copy the signs? BSL Stories
Learn some new signs and play some fun games to help you learn sign language: BSL Games
Here are some fun free activities to do: Signalong Activities
Why not organise a finger spellathon at home: Finger Spellathon
useful websites and links
Below are some useful resources and websites to help support you and your child at home.