Deaf Awareness
At Norwood Green we ensure that we promote deaf awareness throughout the school as part of our inclusion policy:
- We celebrate National Deaf Awareness Week
- Each class has weekly Deaf Awareness lessons
- NDCS Listening Bus workshop for all pupils
- We fundraise for the NDCS
- Signing and Signing Choir clubs for children
- Deaf Football club with a Deaf coach from Brentford Football club
- Staff take part in a variety of signing classes including BSL 1
- Staff learn cued articulation to help teach phonics
Deaf Awareness Week
Join us in celebrating Deaf Awareness every May. The aim of Deaf Awareness Week is to bring awareness to the isolation that deaf people can experience, whilst promoting social inclusion of those with hearing loss. We would like you to celebrate deafness at home, raise awareness of best practise and use the week for demonstrating change and positivity.
Below is a tutorial video where you can learn some BSL signs:
Video Resource Guides
- Teach your family members the alphabet, numbers and colours.
- What do you remember in your deaf awareness lessons?
- Maybe you can sign some songs or spell everyone’s names!
Here are links to some great resources and activities. Watch some videos, play some games and take part in some fun activities to create awareness and develop your signing skills.
Learn about what it is to be DEAF AWARE: Deaf Awareness Presentation. Watch and learn some stories and games, using sign language. Can you copy the signs?
Here are some fun free activities to do: Signalong Activities
Why not organise a finger spellathon at home: Finger Spellathon