Enrich, Enhance, Extend, Empower
At Norwood Green Infant and Nursery school, Computing is used to enrich, extend and enhance learning; empowering us for the future.
We aim to keep up with educational and technological developments in computing. We have a commitment to teachers having the necessary tools e.g. iPads, computers, cameras, laptops and interactive whiteboards to do their job effectively. Therefore, we are a school committed to change and the effective management of that change.
- We aim to ensure that all staff develop confidence and competence to use computing across the curriculum.
- We promote and teach E-Safety.
- Our Managed Learning Environments (MLE), Education City and Purple Mash, engage pupils, parents and teachers in order to continue learning beyond the classroom.
- All classrooms are effectively equipped and the technology is used across the curriculum to support cross curricular learning.
- The school website will is informative, user-friendly and a showcase of the school's achievements.
The Vision has been divided into 3 areas
For Learners:
- Learners to use computing to enhance their learning, deepen their understanding and extend their love of learning beyond the classroom, while being digitally literate.
- Learners will be empowered to take control of their e-learning and how to stay safe.
For Parents:
- To support and understand the e-learning of their children.
- To have access to information that allows them to support and develop their child's understanding so they can achieve their potential.
For Staff:
- To use computing routinely to improve efficiency in administration, planning, analysis of data and communication within and beyond school.
- Teachers to use a wide range of computing to plan, deliver, assess, evaluate and improve the curriculum and promote a love of learning.
- To be empowered to give our learners opportunities to learn in different ways through new technologies.
Education City
“Our interactive educational activities capture the attention of young learners with bright colours, catchy music and a lovable cast of characters - inspiring a lifelong love of learning”
- Education City Website 2014
It is our Managed Learning Environment (MLE)
It is a web based tool that provides fun and engaging student activities. It is currently used in class to support learning and is also used to complete homework tasks at home.
Children will want to learn more through playing the interactive games and activities.
Your child has been provided with their own individual log in. Please see your class teacher if you need to access this.
Purple Mash
Purple Mash is our new creative online space which helps to implement our Computing curriculum and supports teaching and learning. Purple Mash provides an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games to support and inspire creative learning and also focusses on the importance of E-safety.
Children are also taught about Algorithms, what they are and how they are used using Purple Mash. They learn how to create and debug simple programs and predict how simple programs will work. From poems to newspapers, masks and 3D models, animations and textured paintings.
Purple Mash engages children in Computing in a fun and exciting way. Each user receives an individual login to save and retrieve their work.
The National Curriculum states that by the end of KS1 children should be taught to:
- understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions
- create and debug simple programs
- use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
- use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
- recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
- use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.
The Curriculum
The Computing Curriculum is divided into 3 strands:
Computer Science
This is where children learn about algorithms, a precise step by step set of instructions used to solve a problem or achieve an objective which is the basis of writing computer programs.
They will also learn how to debug algorithms which involves finding mistakes in the set of instructions and fixing them. This strand also teaches children about networks and how to carry out online searches.
Information Technology
This strand reinforces the idea that technology is everywhere, children will be taught to identify the technology around them in everyday life and develop an understanding of how this works.
Activities will include word processing, creating images, taking and using photographs and video, creating music and animations. Children will also learn how to save their work and retrieve this again at another time.
Digital Literacy
Children must learn how to use technology safely. They should learn the importance of keeping their personal information safe at all times. They will also learn what to do if they see something that they do not like online and the importance of reporting this to an adult immediately.
Parenting in a Digital World
The digital world is constantly changing and it can be hard for parents to keep up with. It is extremely important for parents to continuously monitor what their children are accessing online.
Here you can access an amazing resource created by Purple Mash to help gain a better insight into keeping your child safe in the digital world whilst still helping them to develop their computational skills.
2Simple have put together this informative guide to help support you in enabling your child to grow into a responsible digital citizen who is able to keep themselves safe while, at the same time, getting the very best from the digital world. In this guide, you will find tips and advice for each of the key areas of online safety for primary-aged children. Each of these areas is further broken down into tips for parents of children aged 5 to 7 and for those of children aged 7 to 11. – Purple Mash.
You can also visit our Online Safety page for online tips and resources in helping to keep your child safe online.
Knowledge Organisers
Y1 Autumn Term - Grouping & Sorting
Y1 Autumn Term - Lego Builders
Y1 Autumn Term - Online Safety
Y1 Spring Term - Animated Story Books
Y1 Spring Term - Maze Explorers
Y2 Autumn Term - Effective Searching
Y2 Autumn Term - Online Safety
Y2 Spring Term - Presenting Ideas
Y2 Summer Term - Creating Pictures
Useful Links
School Learning Zone Early Years
UK Safer Internet Centre (Ages 3-11)