Norwood Green

Love, Laugh & Learn Together

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1 consists of Year 1 and Year 2 where the children’s learning is developed through creative planning and investigation linked to termly themes. Lessons are carefully planned to make learning engaging and enjoyable and to encourage the children to aspire and reach their full potential.

The transition from Early Years to Key Stage 1 (KS1) is developed by continuing to stimulate children through investigative, explorative and hands on activities that encourage our children to become independent learners.

We develop the children’s learning through variety and challenge in all subject areas. We inspire, motivate and extend the children’s knowledge through exciting wow events and visits.

Target Setting

Teachers and children work together to set regular, individual targets. These generally focus on English and Mathematical development. They are reviewed together on a regular basis and can be seen in the children's daily work. Targets are regularly shared with parents and carers.


Marking is directly linked to the learning objectives for each individual lesson. This means presentation or spelling may not always be marked as the main objective of the piece of work. Whenever possible, marking is done with the child and praise is given, as well as next steps on how to move their learning forward. The marking system is displayed in each classroom and the children are made fully aware of what it means. As part of the marking process, the children are encouraged to self assess and peer assess, where they will critically look at their own and others work and suggest how it can be improved further.


Assemblies take place on several occasions during the school week. They are used to focus on particular themes and significant annual events. The Head Teacher Mr Willetts and Assistant Head Teacher Miss Riddell regularly lead assemblies. Mr Willetts also holds a ‘well done’ assembly where the children are celebrated for different achievements. You will be invited to attend and watch your own child’s class assembly.  The dates and times will be displayed on your class notice board.


Each academic term school holds different afterschool clubs.  Some are organised by teachers and others by outside agencies like 'Team V sport'.  If your child is interested, please click here to book a place. They are usually very popular with limited spaces, so try to book as quickly as possible to avoid disappointment.


This is generally set on a weekly basis and forms an integral part of your child’s learning. The days for handing out and bringing back homework and book bags may vary from class to class. When homework is sent home your child will be asked to complete a task. This could include phonics & spelling, reading, comprehension, writing, number work and sometimes a practical making activity.  Weekly homework also includes completing online activities linked to work in the classroom on 'Education City', My Maths and Purple Mash.

Alongside this we also send home ‘A Home Learning Project’.  This is set termly and something for you to share and complete with your child.  Presentation days are then held, where your child can display their projects alongside the rest of the year group.  Holiday homework may also be set. 


Assessment is an ongoing process in all subject areas and is used to inform teacher judgements and planning. Standardised Attainment Tests (SATs) no longer take place at the end of the Year 2 in the core subject areas. The Phonics Screening Check (PSC) takes place towards the end of the year in Year 1. More information will be provided nearer the time and through meetings held at school. If you want to find out more about phonics programme please click here.

How else can you get involved?

Parents are always welcome to come and work with the childen in class in a variety of activities including sewing, cooking, reading with children, playing Maths games or with ICT tasks. Please look out for notices on your child’s class door or notice board.

Parents and Carer’s can attend school trips if they have an up to date Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) certificate. Please let us know if you have a DBS and you are interested and available to help when trip letters are sent home.  Over the year we have exciting trips and events to look forward to and hope the children will enjoy the experiences we provide them with.

Of course it is not always possible to come into school during the working day. Providing resources linked to the class work or even resources that the whole school can benefit from generally, is a good way of getting involved without time commitments.  Alternatively, helping with annual school events is always extremely useful.

Useful Links

If you have access to the Internet at home why not have a look at some of the following websites. We send out termly letters that discuss each topic in more detail and this will also includes some useful websites you can visit related to the topic. - Click on Key stage 1 and select the subject area  - useful for researching and finding out facts and information

Education City (using your child’s own login details)

We hope that your child will have a happy and successful time in KS1

If you have any queries or questions during the year, please speak to the class teacher or KS1 leader Miss Riddell to make an appointment. 

For more information for your child's learning and curriculum including how to support them at home  please use the links below:

Click here for Year 1

Click here for Year 2