Norwood Green

Love, Laugh & Learn Together


In our school we believe that language and early reading development are the main tools needed to ensure learning success. It is fundamental to all other areas of learning and the wider curriculum.

Our whole school ethos ‘Love, laugh and learn together’ is an intrinsic part of our English curriculum at Norwood Green. By enabling children to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, they become enthusiastic, inspired readers and writers. Children at Norwood Green gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins through, phonics, reading, writing, speaking and listening.


We follow the DFE approved and validated ‘Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised’ scheme for teaching phonics and early reading.  The scheme draws on the latest research into how children learn best and supports systematic and effiecient teaching of synthetic phonics to ensure learning stays in children's long-term memory. It focuses on teaching decoding through phonic phases that develop progression and understanding of letters and sounds as well as blending (for reading) and segmenting (for writing) skills. Phonics is a daily taught activity in all classes throughout the school.

In Year 1 the children will complete the Phonics Screening Check. The purpose of the phonics screening check will be to confirm that all children have learnt phonic decoding and word reading to an age-appropriate standard.

The Little Wandle scheme is the chosen programme used to teach phonics and to support early reading development.  The programme is split into 6 phases:

  • Phase 1 is introduced in the Nursery through Foundations for Phonics
  • Phases 2, 3 & 4 are introduced in Reception
  • Phase 4 revision and Phase 5 are introduced in Year 1
  • Phase 5 revision and Phase 6 (the spelling unit) are introduced in Year 2

Any child who does not pass the phonics screening check will retake the test in Y2

In EYFS and KS1 your child will be taught phonics every day. Alongside the teaching of phonics, every child will be provided with daily opportunities to apply their phonic knowledge and skills in reading and spelling. 

Little Wandle Phonics Progression

For support with Phonics and early reading, please visit the Little Wandle Parent page using the link below:

Little Wandle

Here are some useful links that you can visit to support your child at home:

How We Teach

Books Coming Home

Nursery Rhymes (Videos)

Nursery Rhymes (Downloads)


We aim to develop children’s word reading, prosody, comprehension skills and fluency by fostering a love of books and a desire to read for pleasure.

In order to read across the curriculum with fluency, accuracy, understanding and enjoyment, pupils need to draw on a range of strategies. To achieve this we follow ‘The Power of Reading’ programme, which aims to engage children by using high quality texts and creative teaching approaches.

We promote reading through:

  • Independent reading
  • Group reading
  • Shared reading
  • ERIC (everybody reading in class) or D.E.A.R time (drop everything and read)
  • Reading Aloud & Story Time
  • Library time
  • High quality, culturally diverse text choice and variety of genres
  • Buddy Reading


We want to develop literate pupils who write with confidence and fluency, organising the content and style of what is written to suit the purpose and audience.

Children will learn to use phonics, spelling, punctuation and syntax appropriately and with confidence.  They will have an interest in words and their meanings. We aim to motivate and stimulate a love of writing through:

  • Whole class shared writing
  • Guided writing in groups
  • Independent writing
  • Free writing opportunities
  • Grammar (spelling, punctuation, vocabulary)
  • Handwriting
  • a variety of genres
  • Working with response partners
  • Talk for writing
  • Exciting Writing events

Exciting Writing

The definition for creative writing is 'writing that expresses ideas and thoughts in an imaginative way'.

In our school we hold regular ‘Exciting Writing’ weeks where teachers take a text or theme and use it to develop and engage children in writing across the curriculum. In a highly imaginative and creative way, through a variety of resources and stimulating hooks that gain interest and enthusiasm, writing becomes a joy for all involved. 

Speaking & Listening

Speaking and listening are necessary basic skills in everyday communication. 

Whilst building on the language that children bring to school and showing respect for every children's means of communication, staff develop children’s confidence, increase their vocabulary and use of expressive language as well as developing their ability to listen and respond.  We offer opportunities throughout their time with us to learn, recite and perform.

Long Term Plan

Progression of Skills

English Slideshow