Norwood Green

Love, Laugh & Learn Together


At Norwood Green Infants, we develop a lifelong love of Maths.

We are passionate about the teaching of Maths. We believe that Maths introduces children to concepts and skills that are essential in everyday life and supports learning across the curriculum. It helps children make sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they see in the world around them and makes a crucial contribution to their development as successful learners.







KS1 Maths Curriculum

Our Maths curriculum aims to promote enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning through practical activity, exploration and discussion. In Key Stage 1, teachers plan and use the 'White Rose' schemes of work alongside the primary national curriculum. Our Maths planning includes 4 main programmes of study:

1.  Number – Number and Place Value:

  • Addition and Subtraction 
  • Multiplication and Division

2. Geometry - Properties of shape: 

  • Position & Direction

3. Measurement

4. Statistics (Year 2 only)

There is an emphasis on using a mastery approach to teaching mathematics. Mastering Maths means pupils acquire a deep, long–term secure and adaptable understanding of mathematical concepts. This is achieved through a process of ‘concrete, pictorial and abstract’ learning, which involves the children having access to a range of equipment to embed their understanding and the use of jottings and pictures. Reasoning and problem solving are also an integral part of Maths lessons. Children are encouraged to explain answers and apply their knowledge in a variety of ways.

Teaching of Maths in the Foundation Stage

Early Years teachers work from the EYFS statutory framework. The children develop mathematical skills through a balance of child-initiated, adult directed and independent play. They use a wide range of activities to support the teaching and learning of mathematics including:

  • observation of number and pattern in the environment and daily routines;
  • large and small construction
  • stories, songs, rhymes and finger games
  • sand and water
  • two- and three-dimensional work with a range of materials
  • imaginative play;
  • cooking and shopping
  • outdoor play

Our whole school ethos ‘Love, laugh and learn’ is an intrinsic part of all the Math activities that the children take part in. It is the main feature of our whole school number days, which involve the children taking part in a range of fun, cross-curricular Math activities that develop a positive “can do” attitude towards Maths. 

Long Term Plan

Progression of Skills

Useful Links



ICT Games

BBC Bitesize

Maths Zone

National Numeracy Parent Toolkit

Maths Slideshow