Playgroup & Nursery 
Home Learning Activities
Log onto Tapestry regularly to complete new learning activities.
You can upload and share evidence of your child's learning through your account. There are also a variety of EYFS focused activities that you can complete with your child from different subjects across the curriculum.
In addition, our school has various links that can benefit your child's wellbeing at home. See our Children's Wellbeing page for more information.
Please click here for Nursery's weekly newsletters
Home Learning Ideas
As we are a part of the Foundation Stage, much of our learning is through play and different activities set up indoors and outdoors. Due to this current shift to home learning, we would like to give you some ideas about how you could structure your day. These are ideas and suggestions, so please adapt and change what you need, so that it works well for you and your family.
Twinkl & Other Useful Websites
There are many ideas and websites for Early Years learning online. Twinkl is one of the sites we use for many of our resources and activities, including most of the information in your 'home learning packs'. They are currently offering free access and resources for parents & carers' who may be in need of ideas and support. Please click on the images below to direct you to some of our favourite websites that we use for inspiration, when planning learning experiences.
Please click on another wonderful resource: The Early Years Activity Library, which allows you to access 50 fun activities that you can try at home with your child. These include Lego, painting, 'Hide the Toy' and much more!
Contact Us
In order to keep in touch with you when the school is closed, we have set up an Early Years email address. If you have any questions for your child's teacher(s) or if you're having trouble accessing your Tapestry account, then please email us at Please include your child's name and class to assist staff when responding.