Norwood Green

Love, Laugh & Learn Together


Whole school assemblies regularly address topics such as golden achievements, behaviour, showing respect and kindness, as well as celebrating the diverse range of cultures and religions that our children are part of.

In line with our whole school ethos “Love, laugh and learn together”, PSHCE runs throughout our curriculum. At Norwood Green, our children know that we are one family who look after and care for each other, in good times and in bad. They know that they can play with their friends and have fun with their learning. Equally, our children are taught to try their very best and be proud of their achievements.

PSHCE (Personal, Social and Emotional Development within the Early Years Foundation Stage) is a planned programme of learning through which children acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. Children are encouraged and supported to develop independence, to voice their views and to work constructively with others. In so doing, we help to develop their self-esteem, independence and ability to make healthy lifestyle choices.

The school has an active School Council which encourages pupil voice and ensures that our children are instrumental in decision making. We are very proud of the well-rounded, compassionate pupils that we have at Norwood Green and this is down to the rich and varied experiences that we provide, from the Early Years Foundation Stage through to Year 2.

PSHCE includes specific teaching on themes such as managing emotions, respect, healthy relationships and safety. Through the curriculum, we offer opportunities to help our children develop their understanding of relationships, feelings, needs and acceptable social behaviour. Children are encouraged to talk about their feelings and emotions through regular circle time sessions and are taught how to deal with them in a positive way.

The school uses an adapted version of the Jigsaw scheme to teach relationships in education. We focus on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults. Our pupils are taught how to take turns, how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect, the importance of honesty and truthfulness, permission seeking and giving, and the concept of personal privacy.

Long Term Plan

Progression of Skills

Knowledge Organisers

Y1 Autumn Term - Being in My World

Y1 Autumn Term - Celebrating Differences

Y1  Spring Term - Dreams & Goals

Y1  Spring Term - Healthy Me

Y1  Summer Term - Changing Me

Y1  Summer Term - Relationships

Y2 Autumn Term - Being in My World

Y2 Autumn Term - Celebrating Differences

Y2 Spring Term - Dreams & Goals

Y2 Spring Term - Healthy Me

Y2 Summer Term - Changing Me

Y2 Summer Term - Relationships

Useful Links


Net Smartz Kids

Healthy Early Years