Children at the playgroup receive exceptional learning experiences from highly skilled staff. The staff have an excellent understanding of how children learn through play (and) provide an inspiring range of interesting activities and inviting resources that children find exciting
– Judged as Outstanding by OFSTED - December 2014
Welcome to Playgroup
We know that as a parent you know your child far better than anyone else so we strive to build positive relationships with you throughout your child’s time here. We encourage and welcome our families to be involved in their child's journey with us through their pre-school year.
The environment plays a very important role in supporting and extending your child’s learning and development, so we are really proud to be able to offer a highly stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environment.
Playgroup starts promptly at 8:45am and finishes at 11:45am.
Please call the school to inform us of absence or lateness.
Your child’s learning is based around play that is fun and exciting and our activities are carefully planned in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework with a focus on the Prime areas, these are:
Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional
We also include the Specific areas:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World; and
- Expressive Arts and Design
Click on our Parent’s Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework booklet to find out more information about these areas and how you can support your child’s learning and development at home.
Upon starting at Norwood Green Playgroup, your child will be allocated a key worker who will ensure that your child’s learning and care is tailored to their individual needs and that they share any successes or concerns with you. Our children settle happily into playgroup within a week or two. However, if the staff or you feel that your child needs you with them for a little longer , this is quite normal.
To apply for a playgroup place, click here to download an application form. Once completed, return the form with your supporting documents to the school office.
Please note we have a limited number of 15 places, only in the morning sessions. We advise that a minimum of three days should be attended from the start of the year, in which you can gradually send them for 5 days a week.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Norwood Green Playgroup!