Norwood Green

Love, Laugh & Learn Together


Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge - Stephen Hawking

Science at Norwood Green Infant school provides opportunities for children to find out about the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the world.  We do this through investigation, practical and hands on enquiry as well as gaining knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts through meaningful teaching and learning opportunities. It stimulates pupil’s curiosity about the world around them and satisfies their curiosity with knowledge that they have gained through active learning via scientific enquiry and the teaching of knowledge and concepts.

It is important that these two approaches to science teaching and learning are taught in conjunction with one another. Concepts should be developed by first hand exploration and investigation. This link between practical experience and concepts will help to deepen learner’s understanding by providing a meaningful learning experience that is embedded in context.  Science makes excellent cross-curricular links with Literacy, Maths, ICT and Art.

Aims & Objectives

  • To develop an interest in Science and understand the contribution it makes to all aspects of life.
  • To develop children’s knowledge of life processes and living things, materials and their properties and physical processes.
  • To relate and contextualise children’s knowledge of Science to everyday life.
  • To develop the ideas children have about the world by encouraging the use of appropriate questioning and use of scientific vocabulary.
  • To provide children with meaningful, hands on and practical learning opportunities to develop and embed concepts and knowledge.
  • To maintain cross curricular links and provide opportunities for children to use and apply English, Maths and ICT skills within a scientific context.
  • To promote good health and safety within Science.
  • To encourage an awareness of past and continuing scientific advances and their impact on society.

Teaching & Learning

We follow the Kapok science scheme of work and National Curriculum objectives. Lessons are planned to develop the skills of enquiry, observation, locating sources of information, selecting appropriate equipment, measuring as well as checking data and results, making comparisons and communicating findings. Children of different abilities are able to access the same curriculum through carefully planned and adapted teaching and learning approaches. All lessons have clear learning objectives which are shared and reviewed with the children.

In accordance with the National Curriculum guidelines, children are taught to use the following practical scientific methods, processes and skills through the teaching of the programme of study content:

  • asking simple questions and recognising they can be answered in different ways
  • observing closely and using simple equipment
  • performing simple tests
  • identifying and classifying
  • using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
  • gathering and recording data to help answer questions

(National Curriculum 2015)

Equal Opportunities

SEN: Science is taught to all children whatever their ability and learning opportunities are provided to meet the needs of the children.

G&T: When planning activities, ‘more able’ children are given opportunities to work at a higher level and through questioning and support are encouraged to extend their thinking. 

EAL: Children are supported by an EAL teacher as well as the class teacher in small groups to develop scientific vocabulary and ensure the children are gaining an understanding in context of what they are learning.

HI: Children are supported by a teacher of the deaf as well as the class teacher to develop scientific vocabulary and ensure the children are gaining an understanding in context of what they are learning.

It is important as teachers to be aware of potential issues around gender stereotyping in some areas of Science e.g. flowers and plants with boys but also the stereotype of Science being a male dominated discipline.


Teachers identify any potential risks that could occur during Science lessons; particularly during practical investigations. Children need to recognise that there can be hazards and risks in certain activities and that they need to approach these safely and carefully (see CLEAPSS health and safety policy).

Long Term Plan

Progression of Skills

Knowledge Organisers

Y1 Autumn Term - Materials

Y1 Autumn Term - Seasonal Changes

Y1 Spring Term - Comparing Animals

Y1 Spring Term - Sensitive Bodies

Y1 Summer Term - Introducing Plants

Y2 Autumn Term - Materials

Y2 Autumn Term - Life Cycles & Health

Y2 Spring Term - Habitats

Y2 Spring Term - Microhabitats

Y2 Summer Term - Plant Growth

Useful Links

National Geographic

Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust

Wow Science

The School Run