SCHOOL Uniform
At Norwood Green we take great pride in wearing our school uniform. Whilst it is optional our uniform shows that we belong to this school and can be easily identified by others. We understand the importance of dressing smart and how this can affect our behaviour.
Every day we ensure we are wearing the correct uniform, suitable shoes, green or white head/hair accessories and dark coloured appropriate coats. When we are in school our shirts are always tucked in.
Nursery boys and girls may wear black/grey tracksuit bottoms and white polo shirts in addition to their Norwood Green school jumper. Shoes should be comfortable with no open toes or heels. Shoe laces are not advisable. Non-branded items are acceptable.
All of our clothing must be clearly named.
Skirt or pinafore dress in grey (September – April) |
Long Trousers in grey (September – April) |
Checked green & white gingham dress (Summer term only) |
Shorts in grey (Summer term only) |
Shirt (short or long-sleeve) or polo shirt in white |
Shirt (short or long-sleeve) or polo shirt in white |
Jumper in green with school logo
Sweatshirt in green with school logo
Cardigan in green with school logo |
Jumper in green with school logo
Sweatshirt in green with school logo |
Socks or tights in white/grey/black |
Socks in white/grey/black |
Shoes in black (no heels or open toes) |
Shoes in black |
Coat (plain) in dark grey/black/navy Fleece/coat – reversible school coat |
Coat (plain) in dark grey/black/navy Fleece/coat – reversible school coat |
Hair bands & Head scarf (Jersey hijab) in green/white/black |
Patka in green/black |
Trainers and boots are not part of our school uniform, however, wellies may be worn to school on wet or snow days and we will change into our school shoes on arrival.
All children need a school book bag with our school logo. You may prefer to buy a school rucksack instead.
PE Kit
When we have PE/games lessons we must wear the correct uniform to keep us safe.
Plimsolls in black |
Plimsolls in black |
Shorts in green |
Shorts in green |
T-shirt in white with school logo |
T-shirt in white with school logo |
Tracksuit (plain) in green or black (optional) |
Tracksuit (plain) in green or black (optional) |
On PE days, to keep us safe, long hair must be tied up, no jewellery should be worn unless for religious reasons and a sweat band must cover any religious bracelets.
Ordering Uniform
All our school Uniform can be purchased from any retailer, however Price & Buckland provides our branded items of uniform. Please visit their website for more details and to place your order:
Delivery Times
When you place an order you can have the items you've purchased delivered to your home or to the school.
All orders are scheduled for delivery twice a month to homes and our school. The deliveries are on the 2nd or 4th Monday of each month.
Due to high demand at the start of a new school term, delivery can take up to 10 days. Therefore you must place your order 10 days before the scheduled delivery date in the month.
Outside of busy periods, orders can be placed 5 working days before the next scheduled delivery.
School Clothing Grant
If you are eligible for free school meals you may also apply for a School Clothing Grant via London Borough of Hounslow.
Please click here for the Clothing Grant Form.
Second Hand Uniform
We offer a large selection of second hand, good quality uniform. Please ask for more information at the school office.